Meal Prep

Best Kept Meal Planning Secrets

I am the oldest of 5 kids and there is a 12 year gap between the youngest ones and me. So I helped in the kitchen. Alot! Not that I really minded it. : ) Naturally over the years I have learned how to plan and cook for an army and also for just me. (Let me tell you the first time I made spaghetti for myself, I ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few days.) Here are some of the best secrets I have learned.

  • Make meals you actually like!
    This may seem like a no brainer but let me tell you, nothing ruins a well laid out meal plan like a dreaded dinner! Make something that most of the family will enjoy. If there is a particular picky eater, let them pick a portion of the meal that is something they love. Food should be a good experience and life is too short to eat something we hate.
  • Make extras to freeze.
    This is a great way to help stay on track for busy nights. Making meatballs? Double your recipe and freeze those extras! Soup is another great option to freeze the extra.
    *Bonus tip! Keep a log of your extra frozen meals. This will help when it comes time to plan your weekly meals.
  • Plan perishable produce to be eaten sooner.
    This helps save you money on uneaten food.
  • Don’t forget snacks!
    I always try to plan extras into my weekly plan. When I don’t I have a sad snacky husband with nothing to munch on.
  • Plan leftover days.
    Planning in some days to eat leftovers helps reduce food waste and is great for busy nights
  • Plan days to eat out.
    This depends on how much your family likes to eat out or your budget. Having a day set aside to go out helps us to eat the meals we do have at home and can look forward to our meal out.
  • Save recipes to an easy place.
    I personally like to save them into my Google Drive. I can then look up based on the title. So I will name a meal based on the main ingredients. EX: Sheet Pan Breakfast. I will name it Sheet Pan Breakfast- brussel sprouts, turkey bacon, sweet potato, onion
  • Keep old plans
    Once you get a number of plans then you can cycle through them. It helps save time on planning.
  • Find your system!
    Find a way that works for you. White board, paper calendar, Google Docs. I am using Google Docs now.
  • Prep! Prep! Prep!
    Having a prep day is sooooo important! On the weeks I don’t, I feel it halfway through. Taking a little bit of time can help cut down on the crazy weeknight dinner rush. 

Hope these help, my food adventure friends!

Poppy Seed Kitchen

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